
Monday, July 8, 2013

Lima aset geopark Indonesia



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Lima aset geopark Indonesia


Batur Global Geopark is centered around an active volcano located in northeast Bali, between of two round calderas, which are large volcanic craters that formed about 22,000 years ago. The volcano belongs to the Pacific 'Ring of Fire' and forms part of a long chain of similar active volcanoes in Indonesia. The area is rich of elements of macro- and micro-volcanic landforms produced by the volcano across several thousands of years. The volcano of Batur is a typical strato-type volcano built up of alternating layers of pyroclastics and lava flows. The two cataclysmic eruptions in its geological history have produced the amazing caldera-walls, the inside of which is today filled with a deep volcanic lake. The active cone of Batur Volcano has erupted at least 22 times since the 1800s. The island of Bali is a place with many natural and cultural tourist attractions, yet the Batur Volcano stands out for its unique geology and grand scenery. From the cultural side, the Geopark showcases very specific local customs related to the Balinese Hindu religion


A Geopark is a unified area with geological heritage of international significance. Geoparks use that heritage to promote awareness of key issues facing society in the context of the dynamic planet we all live on. Many Geoparks promote awareness of geological hazards, including volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and many help prepare disaster mitigation strategies among local communities. Geoparks hold records of past climate change and are educators on current climate change as well as adopting a best practise approach to utilising renewable energy and employing the best standards of “green tourism.”Tourism industry promotion in Geopark, as a geographically sustainable and applicable tourism model, aims to sustains, or even enhances, the geographical character of a place.
Geoparks also inform about the sustainable use and need for natural resources, whether they are mined, quarried or harnessed from the surrounding environment while at the same time promoting respect for the environment and the integrity of the landscape. Geoparks are not a legislative designation though the key heritage sites within a Geopark should be protected under local, regional or national legislation as appropriate. [1]The multidisciplinary nature of the concept of geo-park and tourism promotion in geo-parks differentiates itself from other models of sustainable tourism. In fact, sustainable tourism promotion within geopark actually encompasses many of the subdivisions of sustainable tourism including: geo-tourism (geo-site tourism: as a basic factor), community-based tourism and integrated rural tourism(as a vital needs), ecotourism, cultural heritage tourism and etc.
The Global Geoparks Network is supported by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Many national Geoparks and other local Geoparks projects also exist which are not included in the Global Geoparks Network.
The Geoparks initiative was launched by UNESCO in response to the perceived need for an international initiative that recognizes sites representing an earth science interest.[2] Global Geoparks Network aims at enhancing the value of such sites while at the same time creating employment and promoting regional economic development.[2] The Global Geoparks Network works in synergy with UNESCO's World Heritage Centre and Man and the Biosphere (MAB) World Network of Biosphere Reserves.[2]
The Global Geoparks Network (GGN) is a UNESCO activity established in 1998. According to UNESCO, for a Geopark to apply to be included in the GGN, it needs to:
  • have a management plan designed to foster socio-economic development that is sustainable based on geotourism
  • demonstrate methods for conserving and enhancing geological heritage and provide means for teaching geoscientific disciplines and broader environmental issues
  • have joint proposals submitted by public authorities, local communities and private interests acting together, which demonstrate the best practices with respect to Earth heritage conservation and its integration into sustainable development strategies.[3]